<aside> ✅ Paid Leave, Accessible Childcare, and a Living Wage



Quick Links

Reports and data:

The Care Burden Affects Us All: Assessing men's stake as caregivers in the United States report (2024)

State of America’s Fathers report (2023)

State of the World’s Fathers report (2023)

Key Statistics

New America: Paid Leave Is Back on the Agenda: Exploring the Economic and Social Benefits

Pivotal Ventures: The Data Driven Case for Care

About the campaign

The #VoteLikeADad campaign aims to get men to exercise their democratic right to vote while centering care as a major policy priority. Eighty-five percent of fathers with children under 18 say being a parent is the most or one of the most important aspects of who they are as a person, and we want to mobilize men to vote with this in mind. To #VoteLikeADad means voting and advocating for better care policies like equal paid parental leave, accessible childcare and other initiatives that promote families’ well-being.

Core campaign values and policy priorities

  1. Centering care in men’s lives. Eighty percent of men will become fathers in their lifetime, and nearly all men will have the chance to be involved in the life of a child or to care for another person (parents, partner, neighbors, etc). Men’s participation in caregiving presents a global opportunity for equality, and improves the lives of everyone.
  2. We believe dads can and should vote with their hearts and their wallets to support their families through family-friendly policy measures like paid leave, accessible child care, and living wages.
  3. We urge our partner organizations to use the campaign to center and advocate for your key issues that affect dads.

Friends of the campaign



Mom Congress

Fathering Together

City Dads Group

National At-home Dad Network

<aside> ➡️ Want to get involved? Contact us!


Participating in the campaign

We invite anyone who is aligned with our core values to participate in the #VoteLikeADad campaign. Please use our graphics, or create your own and use the hashtag! You can also use our sticker graphic to add to your own photos.


Video can be a powerful tool to convey our life experiences and connect with others as humans and as dads. We encourage you to create videos that explain what voting like a dad means to you, and that make the case for why we need paid leave for all and accessible childcare. Tag friends who you would like to “challenge” to share their own stories on why it is important to #VoteLikeADad